Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fat Head

Looking for a fun way to explain why you're suddenly eating loads of fat and not so many carbs? Share Fat Head with your friends.

Here's a link to Tom Naughton's site.  Fat Head Movie

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Time for a change

One thing led to another over the Christmas holidays this year and suddenly I find myself trying out a whole new "lifestyle". 

It started with "The Four Hour Body", which led to "Why We Get Fat" and "Good Calories Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes, and then on to a whole pile of blog hopping - many of which are listed on the side here. 

At first I thought I was just going to try going Paleo for 30 days, but I'm about 3 weeks in, I feel freakin FANTASTIC, all of my GI issues have cleared up, AND the weight has been melting off while I've been eating like a queen. 

I think I'm hooked. 

I decided to start the blog because I think I might be interested in keeping track of things and because some folks have started to ask questions and it just seemed like it would be easier to put everything in one place. 

Here's a bit of light reading and some after dinner TV.

What If It's All Been A Big Fat Lie? by Gary Taubes

A interesting talk about sugar.